WASHINGTON — WASHINGTON For the third straight month, President Barack Obama and the Democratic Party significantly trailed Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney and the Republican Party in fundraising.Recent polls
Washington: Obama +17 (SurveyUSA)
Indiana: Romney +16 (Rasmussen)Romney's campaign on Monday reported a July haul of $101million with the Republican National Committee, compared to the $75million that Obama's campaign said it had brought in with the Democratic National Committee.Romney also raised more cash than Obama in May and June.The July fundraising reports came as Obama was set to raise at least $2.5 million at a pair of events in Connecticut. GOP-aligned super PACs also are raising and spending tens of millions of dollars to defeat Obama on Nov. 6.Romney was taking another day off the campaign trail while the president worked at the White House.Romney's campaign announced that he will spend Saturday through Aug. 14 campaigning by bus through a different state each day. The trip opens in Virginia, hits North Carolina and Florida and ends next Tuesday in Ohio.Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. For more information about reprints & permissions, visit our FAQ's. To report corrections and clarifications, contact Standards Editor
Brent Jones. For publication consideration in the newspaper, send comments to letters@usatoday.com. Include name, phone number, city and state for verification. To view our corrections, go to corrections.usatoday.com.

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