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Sunday, September 2, 2012

Rice: World is 'chaotic and dangerous' with a weak USA

Former secretary of State Condoleezza Rice told the Republican National Convention on Wednesday that "the American ideal" is endangered, but that no foreign rival can hurt the U.S. more than the U.S. itself.

Condoleezza Rice, former secretary of State, speaks Wednesday at the Republican National Convention in Tampa. By Robert Deutsch, USA TODAY

Condoleezza Rice, former secretary of State, speaks Wednesday at the Republican National Convention in Tampa.

By Robert Deutsch, USA TODAY

Condoleezza Rice, former secretary of State, speaks Wednesday at the Republican National Convention in Tampa.

"There is no country … not even a rising China, that can do more harm to us than we can do to ourselves if we fail to accomplish the tasks before us here at home," she said.

Although Rice, who served under President George W. Bush, praised the Republican ticket of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, she offered the delegates no political red meat. Unlike virtually every other speaker of the night, she did not mention President Obama or his office.

Rice, who also served as national security adviser, described U.S. power as stemming from economic, educational and immigration policies.

"When the world looks at us today, they see an American government that cannot live within its means," she said. "They see a government that continues to borrow money, mortgaging the future of generations to come."

She added: "The world knows that when a nation loses control of its finances, it eventually loses control of its destiny."

America's position, Rice said, also was jeopardized by its educational system, calling what she termed "the crisis in K-12 education … a grave threat to who we are."

Rice struck a moderate note on immigration, even though many of the delegates favor a hard line. She couched immigration as an economic asset to the United States, saying, "We must continue to welcome the world's most ambitious people to be a part of us. … We need immigration laws that protect our borders, meet our economic needs, and yet show that we are a compassionate people.

"The question of the moment is: Where does America stand? When our friends and our foes alike do not know the answer to that question, clearly and unambiguously, the world is a chaotic and dangerous place," she said.

She acknowledged a "weariness" of bearing burdens abroad, but, she said, "if we are not inspired to lead again, one of two things will happen: No one will lead and that will foster chaos; or others who do not share our values will fill the vacuum."

Rice, the second black and second female secretary of State, is a moderate whose words carry particular weight with women and minorities.

Last month, before Romney chose Ryan as his running mate and after Romney was booed while speaking at the NAACP convention, the Drudge Report said Rice was on his short list for vice president.

However, she was regarded by most observers as too moderate. She's called herself "mildly pro-choice" — anathema to many in the Republican Party's conservative base who still suspect the sincerity of Romney's stated opposition to abortion.

Rice also is out of step with many Republicans on immigration; she has called the failure of President George W. Bush's plan for a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants one of her biggest regrets.

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