(PNI) Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio owes President Barack Obama a pizza.It's his preferred way of returning favors.I asked the sheriff this week if he would place an order for the commander-in-chief."Only with anchovies," he said, before adding, "No. Not really. I only send pizzas to reporters."I've received several.The sheriff occasionally ships over an anchovy pie (he knows I don't like anchovies) as a way of saying thanks for a negative article, which he believes makes him more popular.Late last week it was President Obama's Justice Department that presented Arpaio with a belated 80th birthday gift, however, when it closed its years-long investigation into the Sheriff's Office and that of former Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas. No charges will be filed."Did they play bagpipes over there (at The Arizona Republic) last Friday?" asked Arpaio spokeswoman Lisa Allen, who was on the speakerphone with Arpaio.The sheriff seemed stunned by the timing of the announcement.He has fought bitterly with the Obama administration. If officials there had held the Justice Department announcement until after the election, Arpaio's opponents could have used the investigation against him in the coming election. Instead, the news Friday was a big sloppy wet kiss that Arpaio didn't see coming."You've got a lot of connections," the sheriff told me. "Why did they come out with this now and not wait until after the election? They could have waited two more months."Then, he added, "I'm an ex-federal official myself. Have you seen my (campaign) ad on TV? I have some faith in the federal system, believe it or not, even though I disagree a little bit with them on illegal immigration. So, I had confidence. They did a good job. It took them four years. The FBI and the U.S. Attorney's Office and the Justice Department did a thorough investigation, and they came out with the decision, just like when I investigate people."I told the sheriff that the administration (and Democrats in general) are afraid of him."Why would they be scared of me? I'm just a little old sheriff," he said.He knows why. Minority voters may despise him, but Arpaio's popularity remains high among many others. I hear from a lot of them."I'm happy for you guys at Gannett because, since they (Justice officials) made the announcement at 5 o'clock at night on a Friday before a holiday weekend, I figure you guys made a little overtime," Arpaio said. "So, they did you guys a big favor."I spoke to the sheriff before he traveled to Charlotte, N.C., to speak at a Republican Party fundraiser."I'll be talking at the same time that (former President Bill) Clinton is giving his speech (at the Democratic National Convention)," Arpaio told me.He remains a big draw. One Republican official said of Arpaio's appearance at an event at the Republican convention in Tampa, "It was just astounding to see how eager so many people were to actually meet him in person and shake his hand and tell him what a great job he's doing in Arizona."Arpaio's campaign boasts having more than $7million in its war chest. The money is one reason Arpaio is relatively dismissive of the two candidates trying to unseat him, former Phoenix police Officer Paul Penzone, a Democrat, and Scottsdale police Lt. Mike Stauffer, an independent. Arpaio already is running TV ads. He knows he can get his message across without positive media coverage or political endorsements."I'm not going to bad-mouth you or The Republic (in campaign ads)," he told me. "Last time I threw it (the paper) in the wastebasket. Remember that ad? Biggest ad in history. I'm not going to do that this time. Even though the paper will not endorse me. They will endorse you before they endorse me."(I doubt that.)What do you believe will get you re-elected this time around? I asked the sheriff."My history of 20 years (in office)," Arpaio said.Funny, that's exactly what the other guys are hoping will get him out.Reach Montini at 602-444-8978. Copyright 2012 The Arizona Republic|azcentral.com. All rights reserved.For more information about reprints & permissions, visit our FAQ's. To report corrections and clarifications, contact Standards Editor
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