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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Republicans Wage Repeal Campaign on Social Media

The Republican National Committee released a video titled “The Final Verdict” on YouTube as part of its social media campaign in response to the Supreme Court ruling on the health care law.

Soon after the Supreme Court ruling on President Obama’s health care law was announced, Republican leaders took to Twitter with a new hashtag, #fullrepeal, aimed at helping to focus the conversation on ousting Mr. Obama in November and reversing the law.

The hashtag and a new video on YouTube titled “The Final Verdict” are part of a social media strategy that Republican Party leaders agreed upon with Romney campaign officials this week in the event the court allowed the health care overhaul law to stand.

On Facebook, there’s a Repeal It Now page with a link to a petition and fund-raising drive.

As part of the plan, the Republican National Committee also introduced a new Web site, People v. Obamacare on Thursday morning to provide what it said was information for people “so they can continue to fight for free market health care solutions that will decrease costs and increase care.”

Users who do a Google search for Republican National Committee are directed to the new Web site, which features a tab showing the conversation on Twitter around the #fullrepeal discussion.

“Today’s Supreme Court decision sets the stakes for the November election,” said Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee in announcing the debut of site. “Now, the only way to save the country from Obamacare’s budget-busting government takeover of health care is to elect a new resident.”

To help drive the #fullrepeal message, the committee bought advertising space on Twitter, using what it is calling a promoted tweet, which directed people who were searching for information about the law to the new Web site.

By noon on Thursday, #fullrepeal was a trending topic on Twitter. According to Topsy analytics, the term has been mentioned thousands of times in the last 24 hours.

The Romney campaign embraced the hashtag with Andrea Saul, press secretary for Mr. Romney, using it throughout the day to announce updates on Twitter about how much money Mr. Romney had raised online from people upset with the decision.

The #fullrepeal hashtag accompanied Twitter posts from the National Republican Senatorial Committee; House Speaker John A. Boehner of Ohio; Representative Eric Cantor of Virginia, the House majority leader; and even the College Republicans before the coordinated, strategic messaging spread to supporters across the country.

The hashtag helped develop conversations on Twitter about the Republican leadership’s proposed next steps even among those with small followings.

It was also used on Twitter in posts criticizing Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. for voting in favor of the law.

On the other side of the debate, supporters used Twitter to criticize the new Web site.

And to suggest new hashtags. In this case, a Twitter user suggested #moveforward.

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