Was the Supreme Court's ruling on Senate Bill 1070 good for U.S. Latinos?Absolutely! Seventy-five percent of what Gov. Jan Brewer and former Sen. Russell Pearce wanted in the law was struck down. The other 25 percent that was "narrowly" upheld is being challenged and will continue to be challenged via the Friendly House vs. Whiting lawsuit.We were pleased that the court left the door wide open when it stated, "This opinion does not foreclose other pre-emption and constitutional challenges to the law as interpreted and applied after it goes into effect."
What did you hear from state Republicans after the ruling?I think it is hilarious how they are trying to save face after having 75 percent of the egg on it. How can Brewer and the Arizona Republican Party leadership claim to be happy when the court narrowly upheld only 25 percent of what they wanted?
What would you like to see in U.S. immigration policy? I would like to see legal immigration reform that will benefit our nation from an economic aspect. Baby Boomers are going to exhaust federal tax revenues soon, and we need to create new taxpayers to sustain entitlements (like Social Security). No need to burden existing taxpayers with more tax increases when we can create new ones from people who are already living here contributing their talents.
You created Somos Republicans as a home for conservative Latinos. Now you've become an independent and formed the Tequila Party. Why?Serving in the armed forces had much to do with my decision to become a Republican. I was a big fan of Ronald Reagan's national-security and economic views with his ability to work across the aisle.Sadly, that is no longer the case. I didn't leave the Republican Party. The party left me. I fought to try to change the GOP from within with passion, but the GOP seems to be held hostage by the "tea party" movement.The Tequila Party consists of a larger, more effective movement because it includes independents, Republicans, Libertarians and Democratic voters.
Some Republican leaders have talked about the need to moderate their approach toward Hispanics.It's a bunch of malarkey for an election year. They will revert to their anti-immigrant agenda after Nov. 6.In order for Republicans to bring back Latinos, they will have to create a fair legal-immigration plan before Nov. 6 or be held personally accountable for their hostility against Latino immigrants. Luckily for them, they pride themselves on being the party of "personal responsibility."
Latino turnout at the polls is generally low, making it easy for politicians to dismiss your concerns. What will it take to change that?A president cannot win without the Latino vote; we are the largest and fastest growing minority demographic in the country.As such, 2012 will be the year of the Latino. We will vote, and votes will continue to increase. ? Mexican-American families have been negatively affected by SB1070 type of laws, and we are ready and eager to vote in politicians who are fair and just toward their fellow mankind.
What's your summer reading ?"Is Immigration Good For America?" in the Cato Journal. Copyright 2012 The Arizona Republic|azcentral.com. All rights reserved.For more information about reprints & permissions, visit our FAQ's. To report corrections and clarifications, contact Standards Editor
Brent Jones. For publication consideration in the newspaper, send comments to letters@usatoday.com. Include name, phone number, city and state for verification. To view our corrections, go to corrections.usatoday.com.

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