Sporting a fresh buzz cut in preparation for his first year at the U.S. Naval Academy, Huntsman's son made it to the front of the line, where Romney was shaking hands with supporters.
The Salt Lake Tribune has the details and the picture:
"Will Huntsman created a small headache for the presidential campaign of his dad — Jon Huntsman — when he flashed a "hang loose" sign and asked a buddy to snap a photo of him mugging with rival White House hopeful Mitt Romney.
"As Romney worked the rope line, Will Huntsman found his way to the front and was photographed posing — with pinky and thumb extended — with the former Massachusetts governor, arguably Jon Huntsman's chief competitor."
Huntsman spokesman Tim Miller told the Tribune that Will "wanted to see another campaign event" and "it was not his intention to be disrespectful in any way." For good measure, Miller added that the young Huntsman still supports his dad's bid for the White House.
Huntsman and Romney, distantly related, are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and both have deep roots in Utah. Huntsman served as governor of the state until 2009 and Romney directed the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City.
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