(PNI) I am embarrassed to be an American today. Our representatives in Washington have made fools of us, as well as themselves -- some promoting stupidity, the rest not stopping them. We need a new national mission and a new motto -- and a new rallying cry to symbolize it. I nominate "2TBO," standing for "Throw the bums out." I suggest that we create and display bumper stickers, front-yard signs, pennants to hang on radio antennas, printed T-shirts, placards to wave about at rallies and parades and sports events. We must have a public conversation proclaiming this new concept and accept a personal commitment to use our votes to oust all presently serving federal-level elected officials in 2014, 2016 and beyond, if necessary. Let us restore our national sanity and our pride. Americans deserves better than we are getting, and I insist that my country can and shall be worthy of itself once again.--
J. Hill, Surprise
McCain's remarks Much can be said, both pro and con, about Sen. John McCain's political positions taken during the partial government shutdown and debt-ceiling debates.But speaking as a long-term, loyal Republican, his highly publicized attacks on his fellow Republican senators are inexcusable, pure bush league -- like the rants of a radical, left-wing Democrat. --
John Forster,Phoenix
Lawmakers must goIt was with great disappointment I note that the four Arizona Republican members of the U.S. House of Representatives -- Trent Franks, Paul Gosar, Matt Salmon and David Schweikert -- voted against raising the debt ceiling and opening the federal government. How irresponsible, as per our Constitution, the public debt of the United States shall not be questioned. What happens if I as a citizen don't pay my loans? Repossession results. So it is time that these four be repossessed during the next election as Arizona must do better and have better representation in Congress.--
Rollin L. Stark,Scottsdale
Traitorous politiciansI have two words for the traitorous politicians attempting to bring our great nation to its knees: "tar" and "feathers"!--
Jim White, Glendale
Government's job?While reading the editorial Tuesday, "If Congress acts, don't clap," I noted the last paragraph, which I think may have been an error. It stated, "The only heroes in this tragedy are the Americans who still believe their government can -- eventually -- do the right thing." It should have stated, "The only heroes are the Americans who still believe their government can -- eventually --do everything!" That is, food stamps, free cellphones, free health care (a lie), subsidized housing, free lunches for grade school kids, and the list goes on. --
Barbara Woltz,Surprise
GOP's next wave The path to Republican Party dominance is finally clear. For the near future, they have lost the Black, Hispanic and independent voters. "Tea party" and far-right-wing voters will still control the primary selections, and true conservatives will vote for Democratic candidates while holding their nose. Democrats gain control of all branches of the government. The tea party and Religious Right lose their traction. The next wave of Republican Party candidates are thoughtful moderates that focus on restoring the middle class, developing a workable immigration policy, an improved health-care program and promote gay and women's rights. Voters respect the change in the party and the pendulum swings again.--
Earl Barrett,Phoenix
Under 'Cruz control'Americans, it's time to get back in the driver's seat and take control of this out-of-control Congress, which is unable to make compromises and just keeps kicking the can down the road. The national debt is continuing to rise and the nation's economy to deteriorate. It's time to put this vehicle under "Cruz control," Texas style.We need to support Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, who will attempt to reduce spending and move this country towards a balanced budget. --
Dess Chappelear,Sun City West
Kids' consequencesConcerning the Arizona State University drunk-and-disorderly students:The fault lies completely at the hands of the students who are choosing to drink, get drunk and drive. The problem is that they do not care about any consequences, short-term or long-term. That brings the question: "What will it take for them to care?"More immediate consequences are needed. Longer jail time and larger fines for drinking offenses. Nothing else seems to be working. Alcohol education seems to have only added to their drinking. Sadly, how many will never see the end of college because of a final consequence? We shall see.--
Trae West, Phoenix
Enforcement brokenDuring the immigration debate, we frequently hear the statement: "We need to fix our immigration policy; it is broken."For me, the only thing broken is the lack of enforcement. The federal government has been absent for political purposes. There is nothing wrong with immigrants coming to America; what is wrong is when it is done illegally. No one has the right to demand legal status when that person broke immigration laws to get here. Sometimes, the answer is too simple for the politicians to figure out. It is time to clean house.--
Michael Grassia,Mesa
Negotiations needed Negotiations on sequester but not on "Obamacare"? Both are the "law of the land." --
Phil Pizzi, Mesa
Kids figured it outMy daughter was talking back to the news on the radio as she was driving her children home from school. She was expressing frustration at the political standoff in Washington with the debt ceiling, government shutdown and the general mess we are in. Her 9-year-old son asked her what was going on. She must have done a pretty good job of explaining it because he said, with very firm disgust, "Mom, that's a dity." When she asked him what a "dity" is, he replied: "It's dumb and a pity with a hint of ridiculousness." The kids have it figured out; why can't our great leaders?--
Aggie Angerer,PhoenixCopyright 2013 The Arizona Republic|azcentral.com. All rights reserved.For more information about reprints & permissions, visit our FAQ's. To report corrections and clarifications, contact Standards Editor
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